Criminology & Criminal law Criminology & Criminal law Criminal Justice ProQuest ProQuest database with a.o. international scientific journals, publications on correctional and law enforcement, dissertations, crime reports, crime blogs Criminology & Criminal Justice SAGE Overview of journals published by SAGE about criminology and criminal law Criminology Taylor & Francis Online Various international journals on criminology published by Taylor & Francis American Series of Foreign Penal Codes English translations of foreign penal codes, through HeinOnline Digest of State Practice Unofficial compilation of state practice and opinio juris in the field of the law on the use of force. New summaries appear regularly in the Journal on the Use of Force and International Law. ICRC Customary IHL Database Database of relevant practices in the law of armed conflict, compiled by the International Committee of the Red Cross. Served as the basis for the ICRC Customary Law Study (161 rules of customary international humanitarian law) International Crimes Database Comprehensive database on international crimes adjudicated by national, international and internationalised courts. In addition to case law, it contains both academic and news articles, working papers and relevant links International Criminal Court cases Overview of cases at the International Criminal Court KrimDok Bibliographic reference system for criminological literature. The database consists of various literature and book files and also contains references from journals and volumes, digital documents and grey literature. Legislationline Database that contains links to English translations of legal texts of European countries on police, prisons, the right to a fair trial, judicial and prosecution systems, and the death penalty. SHERLOC SHERLOC (Sharing Electronic Resources and Law on Crime) contains the full texts of law books/decisions/laws on criminal procedure for different countries in English translation UNOCT International Legal Instruments Overview of 19 international legal instruments to prevent terrorist acts, on the website of the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism UNODC Treaties Overview of treaties on crime, drugs and terrorism on the website of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia Website of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Website of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Iran-United States Claims Tribunal Website of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal Special Court for Sierra Leone Website of the Special Court for Sierra Leone
Criminology & Criminal law Criminology & Criminal law Criminal Justice ProQuest ProQuest database with a.o. international scientific journals, publications on correctional and law enforcement, dissertations, crime reports, crime blogs Criminology & Criminal Justice SAGE Overview of journals published by SAGE about criminology and criminal law Criminology Taylor & Francis Online Various international journals on criminology published by Taylor & Francis American Series of Foreign Penal Codes English translations of foreign penal codes, through HeinOnline Digest of State Practice Unofficial compilation of state practice and opinio juris in the field of the law on the use of force. New summaries appear regularly in the Journal on the Use of Force and International Law. ICRC Customary IHL Database Database of relevant practices in the law of armed conflict, compiled by the International Committee of the Red Cross. Served as the basis for the ICRC Customary Law Study (161 rules of customary international humanitarian law) International Crimes Database Comprehensive database on international crimes adjudicated by national, international and internationalised courts. In addition to case law, it contains both academic and news articles, working papers and relevant links International Criminal Court cases Overview of cases at the International Criminal Court KrimDok Bibliographic reference system for criminological literature. The database consists of various literature and book files and also contains references from journals and volumes, digital documents and grey literature. Legislationline Database that contains links to English translations of legal texts of European countries on police, prisons, the right to a fair trial, judicial and prosecution systems, and the death penalty. SHERLOC SHERLOC (Sharing Electronic Resources and Law on Crime) contains the full texts of law books/decisions/laws on criminal procedure for different countries in English translation UNOCT International Legal Instruments Overview of 19 international legal instruments to prevent terrorist acts, on the website of the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism UNODC Treaties Overview of treaties on crime, drugs and terrorism on the website of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia Website of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Website of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Iran-United States Claims Tribunal Website of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal Special Court for Sierra Leone Website of the Special Court for Sierra Leone