Research Administrativ Law

Project research

The Street Scene Turning Flemish in Flemish Brabant

Financing: Ministeriy of the Flemish Government, Agency Local Government
Period: 1 Januari 2007 till 30 June 2007
Researcher: -
Promotor: Prof. dr. Ludo Veny

Study regarding the juridic responsibilities and accountabilities from different actors involved with the organisation of events in soccer stadiums

Financing: Federal government of internal affairs
Period: 1 September 2007 till 31 augustus 2008
Researchers: Leen De Wulf - Bram Van Acker
Promotor: Prof. dr. Ludo Veny

Capacity building in public law

Financing: Flemish InterUniversity Council and the Ministry of Developmental Cooperation
Period: 1 September 2006 till 31 August 2011
Promoter: Prof. dr. Ludo Veny

Study about "Inventarisation of Plice affairs"

Financing: Federal government of internal affairs
Period: 1 December 2009 till 30 November 2010
Researcher(s): dr. Bengt Verbeeck - Hélène Dejemeppe
Promoter: Prof. dr. Ludo Veny

Doctoraal onderzoek