Laura Deschuyteneer graduated from Ghent University with great distinction in 2013. During an Erasmus exchange she spent a semester in Sweden, where she studied at Stockholm University. She wrote her master thesis on the subject of international child abduction to non-treaty states. In 2014 she obtained an LL.M. in European Law from the Université Panthéon-Assas in Paris.
During her studies in Ghent she participated in the International Human Rights Moot Court Competition in Washington D.C. (2012) where her team won the price for Best Memorial in English for the Victims. While studying in Paris she participated in the European Law Moot Court in Kavala (Greece, 2014). There, her team ended third in ranking.
Research Project
In 2021, she completed her doctoral research on the influence of EU private international law on the exception of public policy in the area of the cross-border circulation of judgments.