Minors and online sexual acts
Research project ‘Minors and online sexual acts: a study of legal qualifications and regulatory approaches from a children’s rights perspective’
Promotor: prof. dr. Eva Lievens
Researcher: Argyro Chatzinikolaou
Short description
The research project “Minors and online sexual acts: a study of legal qualifications and regulatory approaches from a children’s rights perspective” runs from 2017 to 2021 and is funded by the FWO. The research aims at investigating online sexual acts in which children may be involved, from a children’s rights perspective.
As sexual behaviour increasingly occurs on online communication platforms or through mobile applications (apps), children make wide use of text, images, and video clips in order to share sexual(ly suggestive) expressions or explore their sexual identity. Phenomena such as webcam sex and sexting may be traditionally reported on with negative connotations, yet according to recent social science research minors’ en

Against this background, the project focuses on both the protection children merit with regard to online acts that carry a sexual element and in which they may be involved, and their autonomy and rights to consensually engage in online sexual acts. The analysis includes a typology of online sexual acts minors engage in and an overview of existing legislation that could potentially apply to such acts. Subsequently, the applicability of the (relevant) existing legislative framework to the identified types of online sexual behaviour and the involved actors is assessed. This study ultimately aims at exploring how online sexual behaviour and acts in which minors engage can be regulated in a way that balances their rights, acknowledges their autonomy and protects them against abuse.
Selection of publications
- Chatzinikolaou, A. & Lievens, E. (2021). Sexting amongst children and teenagers: towards a policy that balances protection and autonomy, ANSER: Five Years of Global Academic Collaboration Building Evidence for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Policies (Report).
- Chatzinikolaou, A., & Lievens, E. (2020). Sexting tussen minderjarigen: strafbaar of niet? , CAHIERS POLITIESTUDIES. 3(56)
- Chatzinikolaou, A. (2020). Sexual images depicting children: the EU legal framework and online platforms’ policies, European Journal of Law and Technology, 11 (1).
- Chatzinikolaou, A., & Lievens, E. (2020). A Legal Perspective on Trust, Control and Privacy in the Context of Sexting among Children in Europe, Journal of Children and Media, 14 (1).
- Chatzinikolaou, A., & Lievens, E. (2019). Towards a Legal Qualification of Online Sexual Acts in which Children are Involved: Constructing a Typology, European Journal of Law and Technology, 10 (1).
- Chatzinikolaou, A., & Lievens, E. (2019). Submission to the Committee on the Rights of the Child in view of the intention to draft a General Comment on children’s rights in relation to the digital environment.