Avatars of Crisis: Exploring Emergency at the Nexus between Law, History and Theory’

Voor wie
Studenten , Privépersonen , Medewerkers
30-05-2024 10:00 tot 31-05-2024 15:00
Multimedia Room 8.3 & Room 8.1 : Campus Aula, Universiteitstraat 4, Ingang 8, 9000 Ghent
Door wie
prof. dr. Cosmin Cercel

On 30-31 May 2024 the Ghent Institute of Legal History will host the workshop titled ‘Avatars of Crisis: Exploring Emergency at the Nexus between Law, History and Theory’, welcoming interventions from Professor David Fraser (FACSS, University of Nottingham), Professor Iulia Motoc (University of Bucharest, the International Criminal Court, the Hague) and Professor Stephen Skinner (University of Exeter).

The workshop will explore current research and practice in the fields of legal history, jurisprudence and international human rights law and provide the needed epistemic basis for the groundwork of the ERC-Consolidator Grant project EMERGE 101087876, Rethinking Emergency from a Legal Historical Perspective: Contexts, Law, Actors, in accordance with its intellectual commitment in bringing the legal history and jurisprudential inquiry to the centre of the analysis of emergency.
In this respect, the workshop will offer a snapshot of the research undertaken so far by the members of the team and aims to offer a venue for discussion with leading scholars and practitioners, with a view of grasping the contemporary relevance that legal historical analysis holds. Moreover, the workshop is aimed at supporting the efforts of the research team by opening the work to critical analysis and scrutiny.

The proceedings will take place as follows:

  • On Thursday, the 30th of May, from 10 am to 4 pm in the Multimedia room 8.3.
    The schedule includes a short presentation of the EMERGE project, followed by presentations from team members and interventions by distinguished guests.
    There is no registration needed and colleagues and postgraduate students are warmly welcome to take part in the event within the venue’s capacity.
    Catering will be available for lunch.
  • On Friday, the 31st of May, from 10 am to 3pm in the room 8.1 Main Building.
    The schedule includes presentations from team members and interventions by distinguished guests, followed by a roundtable.
    There is no registration needed and colleagues and postgraduate students are warmly welcome to take part in the event within the venue’s capacity.
    Catering will be available for lunch.