Matthias Van Der Haegen

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Short Bio

Matthias Van Der Haegen studied law at Ghent University and Hofstra University in the US (exchange program). In July 2015, he obtained the degree of Magister Juris at Oxford University and started his doctoral research as a PhD Fellow of the FWO at Ghent University, under the guidance of prof. dr. Dirk Heirbaut and prof. dr. Piet Taelman. In May 2019, Matthias defended his PhD thesis on the role of the Court of Cassation, Belgium’s highest judicial court.

He joined Maastricht University as Assistant Professor in Digital Legal Studies the following summer. In the academic year 2020-2021, he was also a guest professor in history of private law at Ghent University.

From October 2021 onwards, Matthias will be a judicial trainee. He (co-)authored several legal publications in the field of civil procedure, legal history and law & technology.