Workshop on the Future of Courthouses


On Wednesday, April 10, 2024, the Institute for Procedural Law organized an interdisciplinary workshop on the future of courthouses.

According to available data, the Federal Public Service of Justice currently utilizes 225 courthouses and equivalent real estate properties (such as archives, storage spaces, and parking facilities). Despite a reduction of 92 buildings since 2016, this number remains significantly higher than that of surrounding countries (adjusted for our country's population). A thorough reflection is therefore imperative.

This workshop served as an initial step, featuring presentations for a select audience of two students preparing their master's theses on this topic:

  • Pharaïlde Jansseune (a student in the Master of Laws program) discussed "The Future of the Courthouse from a Legal Perspective: the Need for Reform."
  • Saul Meynckens (a student in the Master of Science in Engineering: Architecture program) presented on "Shaping Justice: Architectural Considerations."