Ayse Güdük is a PhD Research Fellow at the Migration Law Research Group at the University of Ghent. Ayse studied Political Science at VU University Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Netherlands), she obtained a Bachelor and Master’s Degree in Political Science. After her studies she worked for the Dutch Council for Refugees (VluchtelingenWerk Nederland) and later as a policy advisor for a Dutch municipality in the Province of South-Holland responsible for local policy on Refugees and education policy. Her PhD research focuses on family reunification of Turkish migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands; a comparative study of right perceptions and strategies in light of evolving policies from a socio-legal perspective. The research is done under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ellen Desmet, professor of Migration Law. Her research is clustered with other migration studies by the interfaculty Centre for the Social Study of Migration and Refugees (CESSMIR) at Ghent University.