Soline Ballet


Foto Soline BalletSoline Ballet (they/she) is a doctoral researcher at the Migration Law Research Group and a member of the interfaculty Centre for the Social Study of Migration and Refugees (CESSMIR).

They graduated in Conflict and Development Studies at Ghent University (UGent). During their studies they became interested in the illegalisation of migration, migrant activism, solidarity and grassroots initiatives supporting migrants. These interests are also reflected in the engagement of Soline in a variety of grassroots organisations in solidarity with/assisting migrants in Belgium and Greece over the past few years.


Their current research project focuses on various socio-legal and psychosocial support for illegalised migrants in Belgium. Under the supervision of prof. dr. Robin Vandevoordt, prof. dr. Ellen Desmet and prof. dr. Ine Lietaert, Soline will analyse different practices and projects of social support for/by illegalised migrants, exploring the logics at play, the visions of the actors involved, and the perspectives of and implications for illegalised migrants.