
Ghent University

  • Ghent University has several Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees which offer scholarships.
  • Ghent University offers a limited number of PhD scholarships via the Special Research Fund.
    Researchers from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan are eligible for this funding.
  • The Ghent University faculty Mobility Fund offers funding opportunities for outgoing and incoming mobility.
  • You can consider to attend a winter or summer school in the countries of the Eureast Platform at one of our partner universities. If you have the support of your study programme, you can apply for an incentive of the Eureast Platform (50 % of the registration fee, max. 150 €). You can contact to obtain more information. You can only apply for 1 incentive per year. 
  • Ghent University encourages Joint PhD degrees but does not offer specific financial incentives for joint PhD’s. With permission of your Ghent University supervisor it is possible to do a joint PhD within the scope of any regular PhD scholarship/funding. More information 
  • Every two years, the Eureast Platform offers visiting fellowships to doctoral-level researchers affiliated with a higher education or research institution in a country covered by the Eureast Platform's regional scope. More information about the programme


  • Research Foundation – Flandres (FWO): The FWO supports fundamental and strategic scientific research and offers funding for PhD and postdoctoral research, as well mobility funding opportunities.
  • Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO): Postdoctoral grants for non-EU researchers.
  • The Flemish government: the Master Mind Programme offers a limited number of grants for international Master degree students. Please note that it is Ghent University which selects the potential candidates for these grants, which is to be validated by the Flemish government.
  • The Flemish organisation VLAIO offersBaekeland Mandatesfor PhD research in close collaboration with industry

Opportunities in the focus countries of the Eureast Platform:




  • The ‘Bolashaq’ Scholarship programme enables high achieving students from Kazakhstan to undertake undergraduate, postgraduate and research study at prestigious universities around the world. This scholarship is awarded in subject areas prioritized by the Kazakh Government. Please visit the website for full details. 
  • Programme ‘500 scientists’ by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan provides fully-paid scholarships for a research training in leading universities around the world.
  • N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University attracts foreign professors through its Visiting professor program for long-term period (semester/academic year, offline or online) or short-term period (3 months, only online)