Exchange abroad for Ghent University students

Who hasn’t heard of Erasmus? However, Erasmus isn’t the only option for those who want to gain experience abroad during their studies.

Funding exchange opportunities

Various scholarships are available to enable your exchange for study, research as part of a master's thesis or internship. In most cases, there must be an agreement between your programme/faculty and the institution of your choice to be eligible for financial support.

The exchange must be part of the curriculum of a bachelor, master or master after master programme. It must also be part of a diploma contract, which therefore means that the exchange falls within the curriculum leading to graduation. To qualify for a scholarship, the exchange cannot not take place within a credit target contract.

On this page you will find the scholarships supported by Ghent University and how to apply for them. Read the instructions carefully and prepare your file carefully by the set deadline.


If you choose a destination in Europe, chances are very high that you will get a scholarship.

  • Erasmus+ Studies

Erasmus is possible to the Erasmus programme countries. You receive a monthly grant that varies per destination country. You will also receive a travel allowance. The amounts (Dutch only) per country are reviewed annually. The amounts for 2024-2025 also remain valid for 2025-2026.

  • Erasmus+ traineeship

You can do a traineeship in the Erasmus countries. The monthly grant varies per destination country and are reviewed annually. You will also receive a travel allowance. The amounts (Dutch only) for 2024-2025 also remain valid for 2025-2026.

  • Blended Intensive Programme (BIP)

In addition to the traditional exchange for study or for a placement, the Erasmus+ programme now allows students to go on an exchange for a shorter period. The scholarship amounts are reviewed annually. The amounts (Dutch only) for 2024-2025 also remain valid for 2025-2026. You will also receive a travel allowance.


ENLIGHT is an alliance of 10 European universities that focuses on accessible international learning experiences. Read more about what ENLIGHT can offer you.

Outside Europe

ATTENTION. Also check the Ghent University travel policy for students! There is no automatic permission to travel to any destination.

Erasmus+ is the most well-known exchange programme but there are also scholarship opportunities to fund your exchange OUTSIde the Erasmus+ zone. These scholarships are distributed through a selection process. You are more likely to get a higher scholarship when your socio-financial need is greater.

The scholarships vary from a  travel allowance to a monthly allowance (possibly limited in duration) + travel allowance.

  • The Erasmus+ zone consists of the 27 EU member states + Northern Macedonia, Norway, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Serbia and Turkey. For these countries you can therefore NOT apply for a scholarship within this selection process. Switzerland is also excluded from this call.
  • The United Kingdom is not part of the Erasmus+ zone. Scholarships for exchanges to the UK are therefore included in this selection process.

You can contact the staff of the International Mobility Team with your questions.

Scholarships academic year 2024-2025

Unfortunately, scholarships are no longer available for destinations outside the Erasmus zone for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Scholarships academic year 2025-2026

All the necessary and detailed information on applying for these scholarships can be found in the Guidelines for students for scholarships outside the Erasmus+ zone

The deadline for the first call has passed, but a second call will follow in October 2025. Please note that only travel grants will be awarded in this call.

Scholarships for China

Visit Scholarships for China for more information.

The Washington Center

Scholarships for internship in the USA via The Washington Center


There is a lot involved in your exchange. The roadmaps will help you get started: