Travel policy of Ghent University for students

Ghent University puts the safety of its students and staff above anything and wants to ensure that as much international mobility as possible takes place safely and responsibly.

EarthGhent University framework

The Education and Examination Code Article 46 §4 says .” All Ghent University students who spend part of their study programme abroad (e.g., taking up course units at a foreign institution, an internship, research in the context of their Master's thesis or a compulsory study trip) must register as exchange students in Oasis before the deadline (as stated in the application procedure). Students who do not receive funding through Ghent University for their stay abroad must also complete this registration. Students without registration in Oasis before the first Monday of the month preceding the month of departure cannot be allowed to spend part of their education abroad. In exceptional circumstances (e.g., for security reasons or for reasons that hinder the academic activities abroad), the university board has the right to withdraw this permission to spend part of the study programme abroad or to oblige students who are abroad to return. Academic recognition is not guaranteed for students without permission and no support is provided by Ghent University for the study stay abroad. Academic recognition cannot be guaranteed for students who have not registered their study abroad, or who have not registered it on time, nor can the regular supervision by Ghent University of the study abroad be guaranteed.”

General safety framework

Ghent University bases its travel approvals/refusals on formal and informal government advice, country information and other international sources and takes these elements into account:

Traffic lights
  1. The overall safety situation (e.g., political situation, disturbances, natural disasters etc.)
  2. The general health situation and access to medical care (e.g. Ebola, COVID-19, few or no hospital infrastructure...)
  3. Nationally or regionally severe measures or events, resulting in major restrictions on movement (e.g. state of emergency, curfew, prolonged general strikes, lockdown, ...)
  4. The entry restriction for certain nationals/residents into a particular country/territory
  5. The academic on campus offers at partner institutions/internships (e.g. online classes only, university strikes, ...)

Students are not allowed to travel to countries with a formal negative travel advise.

Students traveling to risk areas must take additional steps before being granted permission. This can be done if the exchange/internship to this destination has an essential added academic value. This requires a travel risk form. Contact the FCI officer in your faculty for this purpose. We ask that you describe in your own words the risks that may present themselves in the country/region/city where you will be staying. Consider crime, political disturbances, climatic conditions, disease, inadequate health care, transportation, etc. We ask that this be weighed against your personal situation (are you male or female, do you have a medical history or not, do you belong to the LGTBQ+ community or not, do you openly come out for your religion, your political beliefs, do you have experience traveling to the area, do you speak the language, do you have a strong local network etc.... Your faculty has to complete and sign this travel risk form.

In principle, students with a mobility period which is embedded in the curriculum (e.g. Erasmus Mundus) or students with the nationality of the country of destination receive automatic permission. Good preparation and safety assessment are also important here!

Timing of the decisiontime

  • Students with an exchange application for study will receive the travel advice at the latest in April 2024 for departure 1st semester 2024-2025 and at the latest in October 2024 for departure 2nd semester 2024-2025.
  • Other students with an exchange application for internship, research master thesis, fieldwork,... will receive a positive or negative decision from the Team Actueel on the first Monday of the month preceding the month of departure. 
  • If an exchange application has received a negative travel decision, it is final.
  • The security situation is closely monitored and if the security situation for a certain region/country changes, permission to leave can still be revoked.


Information on travelling

Check the advice from your own country and follow carefully the recommendations.