Tips for a smooth work placement hunt
Looking for an work placement is an excellent job hunting exercise and a valuable learning experience. Are you seeking exciting work placement and a good match ? Prepare your search thoroughly to increase your chances of success. Here are some tips.
Please note: is the work placement a mandatory part of your curriculum? Inquire about the specific training conditions regarding your internship first.
Start with yourself
The search for a suitable work placement begins with self-reflection on your competencies and professional ambitions.
To make your plans concrete, consider answering questions such as:
What would you like to learn during your work placement? What kind of experience do you want to gain and which competencies do you want to gain? What sort of work placement could help you move close towards achieving your professional goals? Do you want to gain specific experiences, or get to know a job or sector better, or broaden your professional horizon? What specific value could a particular placement offer you?
The Student Career Hub can assist you in refining your profile and future plans, and exploring the job market.
Look at things from the perspective of the potential employer or work placement site
Do you have a company or organisation in mind? Research its profile beforehand via the website and social media. What is important to them? What challenges do they face? What value can you offer them as an intern? Consider your (language) knowledge, skills, strengths, personality and innovative ideas.
Application tools
A clear CV is indispensable, highlighting your strengths, experiences, previous (job) responsibilities, and commitments, …etc. You adapt the content and style of your CV to the placement you are targeting, focusing to what is relevant. Additionally, a LinkedIn profile is an important tool for your search. You can reference it in your initial contact, perhaps accompanied with a short video pitch about yourself.
Motivation letter
This is your opportunity to sell yourself! Keep your introduction brief and clear. If you were referred about the work placement opportunity, feel free to mention your network. Adapt your motivation letter to the specific work placement, the company and organisation. Highlight why you are so enthusiastic about working for this particular company. Addressing the above mentioned questions, will enhance your chances of convincing a recruiter to take you on board. Always have your CV and motivation letter proofread for typos or at least use a reliable spell checker!
Got a bite and get invited for an interview? Prepare a concise pitch about yourself in a few short sentences. The interview is an crucial opportunity to align expectations. Prepare a list of questions in advance (regarding tasks, supervision (by whom, how, frequency?), insurance, possible reimbursement of expenses, etc.). For online interviews, make sure you have a tidy appearance, a neat background and position the camera at eye level.
Start on time
Keen to secure a position with your preferred company? Stay ahead of the competition by initiating your work placement search well in advance!