Learning account


To stimulate students to take responsibility for their own study progress, in Flanders a system of learning account has been established.

It is a means for the Flemish Government to have an overview of the study progress of all students. It is also a means to stimulate good study results which is both the responsibility of the student and of the institute of higher education.

To a large extent students are responsible for their own study progress. They should choose they study consciously and progress as best they can.

In this framework Ghent University focuses on information, advice and guidance. During their study career students are also supported by the faculty counselling services; the so called 'monitoraten'.

For whom

This does apply for every student enrolling for an initial bachelor or initial master programme.

At enrolment the student automatically receives a learning account of 140 credits. This is the total amount of credits that a student can use during his studies for enrolling in an initial bachelor’s or initial master’s programme (diploma contract), or for taking individual course units (credit contract).

At the moment of enrolment the corresponding number of credits is subtracted form the student’s learning account. However, at the end of the year the credits the student is passed for are added again to that total.

The learning account does not apply for students enrolling for a bridging course, advanced master programmes (subsequent master programmes) or postgraduate programmes, the academic teacher training.

What if one fails to pass?

If one fails to pass the exams the corresponding credits are lost. If one’s learning account is exhausted, enrolment will be denied.

After graduation

Having acquired a first master’s degree the initial gift of 140 credits is subtracted from the learning account. After graduating, every year 10 credits are added to the total learning account (to a maximum of 60) .

At Ghent University,  students with a master degree have the possibility to enrol again in another bachelor’s or master’s programme, even when their learning account is exhausted.

More information

Student Counselling Office