Transgressive behaviour and discrimination: Trustpunt is listening!

As Ghent University, we want to treat each other with respect. Transgressive behavior and discrimination will not be tolerated. Are you confronted with it? Trustpunt is there for you.

If you are in an emergency at a UGent location or if you need urgent help, you can call the Security Department and Emergency Centre around the clock on 09/264.88.88 for immediate assistance. In the case of sexual violence, you can go to the Sexual Assault Center for medical help, psychological care and if you want to file a complaint. 

What is transgressive behavior?

Some boundaries are clear and leave no room for discussion. However, other limits are personal. What is (still) OK for others, might be crossing your limits or vice versa. The most important? That everyone in and around Ghent University respects each other's personal boundaries.

We distinguish between four forms of transgressive behaviour in the work or study context:

  1. Aggression: you are physically or verbally threatened, harassed, stalked, attacked, etc. Or you have been a witness to the above.
  2. Bullying: you are repeatedly the victim of or witness to hostile, offensive or abusive language, actions, gestures or texts (e.g. cyber-bullying).
  3. Sexual harassment: sexually suggestive gestures, jokes and comments, (invitations to) unwanted intimate touches, unwanted penetration (rape).
  4. Discriminationyou are treated unequally or are confronted with statements based on a personal characteristic such as sex, gender identity, gender expression, family composition, birth, marital status, skin colour, nationality, descent and national or ethnic origin, physical or genetic characteristic, disability, functional limitation, medical history , state of health, age, sexual orientation, social origin, wealth, religion or belief, political opinion.

Possibilities within UGent

Infographic action possibilities students when transgressive behaviour occurs

More information on action options and procedures can be found in the FAQ.

Making an appointment with Trustpunt? Here's how

You can make an appointment for a confidential conversation via the online booking system:

For other questions, please contact the confidential counsellors at

UGent treats your personal data with care.

What can a confidential counsellor do for you?

The Team

Joke De Clercq2
Joke De Clercq
Lore Vermeulen
Lore Vermeulen
Nona Beele
Nona Beele
Sigried Lievens3
Sigried Lievens
Stephanie Bouckenhove
Stephanie Bouckenhove

Code of conduct

Within Ghent University we want to encourage a caring, positive and respectful way of interacting with each other. In our code of conduct we outline what this means in concrete terms.

Do you have a different problem and are you looking for someone to listen?

The Trustpunt confidential counsellors are there for you for all your questions about and reports concerning transgressive behaviour. If you have other questions or problems, our experts are ready to lend a hand (and an ear):

Or take a look at the Study support webpage.

Staff or PhD student?

Read more on Trustpunt's intranet page for staff around transgressive behaviour. Procedures may vary.