Workshops for students

  • After subscribing you will receive an e-mail with further instructions. Make sure to read them beforehand the workshops.
From now on it is possible to register for the training offer of the 2nd semester.
New shorter training courses are added regularly during the semester.

Copyright foto Dries LuytenMaximizing (study) efficiency

Do you want to improve your study skills and thereby tackle your procrastination, perfectionism, fear (of failure), stress…?

Join our interactive workshop and learn how to study efficiently.

All workshops take place in small groups and are free of charge. The workshops take 2 hours each.

Practical guidance, wise tips to get started and keep working, it's a powerful motivation!


For all students in Ghent, there are free workshops covering a wide range of topics concerning mental wellbeing.

These workshops are a collaboration between all higher education institutes of Ghent, City of Ghent, Logo Gezond+ and Fonds GavoorGeluk.


Individual counselling

Do you still have questions after participating in a workshop? Are there certain worries on your mind you would rather talk about individually?

The student psychologists also offer individual counselling. You can make an appointment via the online agenda.


Do you have questions about which workshop to follow? Can't find your way to the right help?