Workshops on academic writing


Are you struggling to write or to start writing your paper, bachelor's dissertation or master's dissertation in English? Ghent University's language coaches come to the rescue with a series of hands-on online and on-campus writing workshops. Each of the workshops explores a specific writing-related theme. After a (short!) theoretical introduction to the theme, we encourage you to apply what you just learned to your own text.

So be sure to bring (a draft version of) your text! Please also bring your own laptop if you chose to attend one of the on-campus workshops.

In academic year 2024-2025, the workshops will only be organized in the 2nd semester. Registration will open as from January 2025.

The workshops are open to all Ghent University bachelor and master students and are completely free of charge. You can follow as many workshops as you like.

For more detailed information on academic writing, take a look at the learning path about academic writing on Ufora!


Location Session
Online Tips and tricks for your dissertation Starting January 2025
Online Digital writing tools Starting January 2025

On campus

How to structure my text?
Starting January 2025

On campus

How to write an introduction?
Starting January 2025

On campus

Citing and referencing
Starting January 2025

On campus

Ins and outs of academic style
Starting January 2025



 Schrijf je in het Nederlands? Volg dan het Ufora-leerpad 'Academisch schrijven in een notendop'.

Je kunt al deze workshops ook in het Nederlands volgen.