The Eindhoven School: a forgotten avant-garde

This page is part of our exhibition archive. The exhibition took place from 02-05-2018 to 02-06-2018

De Eindhovense school: een vergeten avant-garde 3.jpgThe exhibition presents how, although now somewhat forgotten, throughout the 1980s, the forefront of Dutch architecture was found in the shared theoretical approach of a group of architects that came to be known as the Eindhoven School. It revisits the group's unique architectural production while analyzing the intellectual framework for its emergence, specifically, the role of history, theory and criticism as developed through the presence of Geert Bekaert, Gerard van Zeijl and Joost Meuwissen at TU/e.

The Eindhoven School: a forgotten avant-garde was researched and curated by Sergio M. Figueiredo and a group of students from TU Eindhoven under the banner of the fledgling research program Curatorial Research Collective (CRC).


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