Penelope Curtis - Working with Collections: A question of authenticity?

Thursday 6 February 2020, starting at 7:00 p.m.
VANDENHOVE Centrum voor Architectuur en Beeldende Kunst
Rozier 1, 9000 Gent.

art on display_1.jpgThroughout her career Penelope Curtis has worked with collections, first at Tate Liverpool, then at the Henry Moore Institute, at Tate Britain, and now in Lisbon, at the Gulbenkian Museum. Working with collections does not usually bring into question the site-specific, but in the most recent show Art on Display 1949-69 at the Gulbenkian, reconstructions of classic exhibition models of the post-war years exploit the local (non site-specific) collection. This talk will review this exhibition and the questions it raises, in contrast to more standard ways of working with collections.

Penelope Curtis is currently Director of the Gulbenkian Museum in Lisbon. Her most recent book on sculpture (Vertical, Horizontal, Closed, Open: Sculpture, Yale, 2017) comes out of the Mellon lectures given at the National Gallery and at Yale in 2015. Other recent publications include essays on artistic legacy (Ridinghouse, 2018) and on trans-historical approaches (Valiz, 2018).

The Curatorial Lectures 2019-20 is centered on the theme of Working with Collections, and is organized in collaboration between KASK HoGent, S.M.A.K., VANDENHOVE Centre for Architecture and Art and Kunsthal Gent.
The lecture by Penelope Curtis is also part of the VANDENHOVE lectures 2019-20.


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