S:PAM-lecture - Paoletta Holst

Thursday 14 October 2021 starting at 6:00 p.m.
VANDENHOVE Centre for Architecture and Art
Rozier 1, 9000 Gent.

Registration required: Please register for this event via https://webappsx.ugent.be/eventManager/events/holst
It will be possible to follow the lecture via Zoom. Once you are registered you will receive the link to the Zoom-meeting.

Photo credits: M. Hirschel (on the right) and his Hungarian friend looking out over Kaliurang, 1930 (Leiden University, Collection KITLV)M. Hirschel (on the right) and his Hungarian friend looking out over Kaliurang, 1930 (Leiden University, Collection KITLV)In the S:PAM lecture ‘Passage interdit/Verboden toegang’ [No Entry] Paoletta Holst will ask: who has access? who is allowed in what kind of places? who can live where? and why? 
With these questions in mind she will trace the influence of formal spatial/political power structures imposed on our living environment and the informal counter-strategies people create to deal with them. Moving through different geographical territories and spatial scales and following both present and historical routes and events stories around globalization and national identity power and control and forms of oppression and (neo)colonialism come to the fore. These stories concentrate around spatial borders thresholds and frontiers as they provide a spatialized representation of political ideals policies and movements while at the same time showing the consequences of the collisions between them.
Chair: Prof. dr. Christel Stalpaert

About Paoletta Holst: 

Paoletta Holst is artist, architectural researcher and writer based in Brussels Paoletta Holst’s practice operates at the intersection of different disciplines to investigate the social historical and political dimension of architecture and the urban environment. Her work is based on artistic/architectural research and adopts different media such as writing mapping photography and film. In 2016/2017 she was a Jan van Eyck participant and since 2018 she is working with different people and in different formations on projects around the colonial history of the Netherlands in Indonesia. In 2019 Holst participated in the 900mdpl biennale in Kaliurang Indonesia. Together with Paolo Patelli she currently works on an archival research project rethinking the ‘logic’ of the colonial Tillema Collections collaborating with Research Center for Material Culture (fellowship) the Eye Filmmuseum and the Institute for Sound and Vision and generously supported by Creative Industries Fund in The Netherlands.