Smart WaterUse
Due to high population density, strong industrialisation and climate change, Belgium is increasingly struggling with water stress (our water stress indicator is 56%, countries start showing stress from an indicator higher than 25%). It goes without saying that water is an indispensable raw material for companies in the process industry.
In spite of a favourable evolution in water consumption and water efficiency of companies, their water stress remains worryingly high. Especially the increasing drought has a major impact on the process industry. Often, with the exception of a few larger companies, they do not have a special department that deals with water management on a daily basis, or they are not aware of their own water risks.
Companies need knowledge not only about their own water risks, but also about existing alternative water sources, suitable monitoring instruments and the legal framework in the field of water management. In this way, companies can better take into account external factors that influence their water availability and thus better arm themselves against future water shortages.
The Smart WaterUse project aims to enable companies to tackle their water and drought-related risks and, as a water-aware company, to be smarter about water management.
The following activities will be set up:
1. (Collective) knowledge transfer, sensibilization and networking on water management.
2. Developing a generic, online WATERBAROMETER tool. This will map out water and drought risks and suggest different actions that can be taken.
3. Research and clustering of knowledge regarding alternative water sources. For example, what technology train is needed to use rainwater from a neighboring company as process water?
4. Organization of demonstration workshops through pilot plants that inspire and demonstrate companies how to address water risks through monitoring and data visualization.
5. Clarifying the legal framework in the field of water management.
This intercluster project is supported by VLAIO and excuted by Flanders' FOOD, De Blauwe Cluster,, VITO, Vlakwa, Centexbel, Fevia Vlaanderen and Ghent University.
January 2020 until December 2022