Agenda voor organisaties en bedrijven

Startdatum Titel Locatie
21-11-2024 13:30 Lezing 'Challenges at the borders of Ukraine and Eastern Europe: Security and human rights nexus' Lokaal 2.1 Faculteitsraadzaal / Faculty Board Room, Emile Braunschool, Campus Aula, Voldersstraat 3, 9000 Gent
24-11-2024 10:00 Happening 'Dag van de Wetenschap' Overal in Vlaanderen en online
27-11-2024 13:00 Lezing 'Meet the PhD Jury - Food Structures: USAXS and Modeling with Computer Simulation' Leslokaal F0.1, Blok F, Campus Coupure, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent
29-11-2024 10:30 Studiedag 'Genderinclusief taalgebruik' Campus Boekentoren, Blandijnberg 2, 9000 Gent
10-12-2024 19:00 Symposium 'Kick-off HINT.GENT - Keynote lecture ‘Towards acceptable AI in Healthcare’' Auditorium E, Campus Heymans (UZ Gent), De Pintelaan 185, 9000 Gent
16-12-2024 09:00 Workshop 'Machine learning into practice' room 0.2, Technologiepark 60, 9052 Zwijnaarde
15-01-2025 15:00 Studiedag 'Offshore wind energy - advanced track ' lokaal 0.1 - lokaal UGain, Technologiepark 60, 9052 Zwijnaarde
07-05-2025 15:00 Studiedag 'Offshore wind energy - regulatory track' lokaal 0.1 - lokaal UGain, Technologiepark 60, 9052 Zwijnaarde