Nathan Schoutteten

Nathan Schoutteten


K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35
9000 Ghent, Belgium

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Mycology started for me as a hobby, collecting and identifying corticioid fungi and Jelly fungi (heterobasidiomycetes) with my grandfather. After obtaining a master degree in Biology at Ghent University (in 2019), I started a project on the evolution of mycoparasitism in Basidiomycota. This trophic strategy has been adopted by several heterobasidiomycetes, including the earliest diverging lineages in Basidiomycota.
I have a close collaboration with the lab of prof. Dominik Begerow (Universität Hamburg, Germany), where I gained experience in isolating fungi in axenic culture and molecular methods.

Research projects

 Mycoparasitism and the evolution of Basidiomycota

Master's dissertation

Changes in species composition of Aphyllophorales fungi on Coarse Woody Debris of beech (Zoniënwoud) : effects of changing nitrogen deposition, ecosystem development and progressing decay stage.
by Nathan Schoutteten (2019)
Promotor: Annemieke Verbeken
Co-promotor: Kris Vandekerkhove
