More than 80 years of experience in nematological research
Taxonomy, phylogeny, morphology, and biology of nematodes from natural and agricultural ecosystems, including free-living, plant-parasitic, virus-vector, facultatively parasitic, and entomopathogenic nematodes.
Out of the backbone of nematode phylogeny towards species delineation, we integrate a tradition of light-microscopy and ultrastructural morphology with molecular approaches.
Current investigation topics
Optimizing nematode taxonomy (See also - combining morphology and DNA-based species delimitation - (digital) morphological vouchers of sequenced individuals - sequences and ecology of specimens from type populations - DNA barcoding and comprehensive databanks
(Cryptic) diversity and biology of plant-parasitic nematodes, with focus on tropical countries
Diversity and succession of nematodes in compost processes The interaction of (compost) nematodes on soil food web processes
The origin and evolution of plant-parasitism
Ultrastructural morphology of nematodes and other animals
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