Nematology Research Unit
More than 80 years of experience in nematological research
Taxonomy, phylogeny, morphology, and biology of nematodes from natural and agricultural ecosystems, including free-living, plant-parasitic, virus-vector, facultatively parasitic, and entomopathogenic nematodes.
Out of the backbone of nematode phylogeny towards species delineation, we integrate a tradition of light-microscopy and ultrastructural morphology with molecular approaches.
Current investigation topics
- Optimizing nematode taxonomy (See also
- combining morphology and DNA-based species delimitation
- (digital) morphological vouchers of sequenced individuals
- sequences and ecology of specimens from type populations
- DNA barcoding and comprehensive databanks - (Cryptic) diversity and biology of plant-parasitic nematodes, with focus on tropical countries
- Diversity and succession of nematodes in compost processes
The interaction of (compost) nematodes on soil food web processes - The origin and evolution of plant-parasitism
- Ultrastructural morphology of nematodes and other animals
Staff page
- International Master of Science in Agro- and Environmental Nematology
- Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education: Nematology Education in Sub-Saharan Africa