Programme Master Biology as of 2025-2026

Master Biology

Your training to become a modern biologist is finalized in the master Biology. Modern biologists bridge classical biology and technological and interdisciplinary innovation. They work on both fundamental research and practical applications, seeking solutions to improve human and ecosystem health, promote environmental sustainability, and advance our understanding of life itself.

Within an international context, you can choose between three majors. In addition, you can further specialise or broaden your education through a series of elective courses. Each major also offers degree programs in scientific communication, advanced biostatistics, and research project writing. In addition, you will write a master's dissertation and do an internship within a research group as part of an integrated research project.

You can choose between 3 Majors: (click the picture to see more information)

Foci within all majors:

  • Bio-inspired innovation and sustainability: Learn how to apply organic concepts in product development, environmental policy, economics and sustainable entrepreneurship.
  • Marine Biology: Specialize in marine biology and discover the unique aspects of marine science.
  • Professional skills: Acquire practical skills through external internships, international projects, and courses offered abroad.



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