About the Doctoral School
Contact: doctoralschools@UGent.be
Veerle Delrue (email: veerle.delrue@ugent.be; Teams: Veerle Delrue)
Ariane D'Haese (email: ariane.dhaese@ugent.be; Teams: Ariane D'Haese
Doctoral School Steering Group
The Doctoral School Steering Group is the body that determines the Doctoral School's strategic priorities. It advises the faculties and the university's administration on matters of doctoral education, and it makes sure that the university's policies align with those at the regional, federal, and European level.
Our mission
The Doctoral School has a three-fold mission:
- Support doctoral students during their doctoral research by providing
- Training and professionalization
- Course funding
- Practical support through our helpdesk
- Stimulate the quality culture in doctoral research;
- Promote the doctorate’s international and social image to potential researchers and the job market.
We have outlined our strategy for the next five years in our strategic policy plan 2019-2024.
Quality assurance
- Quality framework for doctoral education
- Charter for doctoral students and supervisors
- Ombudspersons for doctoral students
International mobility
Funding opportunities for incoming and outgoing international mobility:
- Mobility Fund at Ghent University Faculties
- Scholarships or fellowships at Ghent University for international pre- or postdoctoral researchers
PhD career hub
Are you thinking about a career in academia or are you considering jobs outside of academia but don't know where to start?
Visit the PhD career hub to find out about career tracks for PhDs, learning and development opportunities and how to apply for jobs.
Stay connected: newsletter, e-mail
If you are enrolled as a PhD candidate, you should automatically receive our monthly newsletter. All courses, activities and events of the Doctoral Schools are first announced in this newsletter.
If you are not receiving the newsletter, you can sign up here. If you no longer wish to receive the Doctoral School newsletter, you can either unsubscribe or contact us at doctoralschools@UGent.be.
All communication from the Doctoral School will go to your UGent e-mail address. Don't forget to activate your account!
Our privacy policy
Check our policy with regard to data and film/photo.