
Vacature 2 Praktijkassistenten vakgroep Vastestofwetenschappen

Je levert bijstand bij het praktijkgericht onderwijs van de vakgroep (organisatie, begeleiding en evaluatie van praktische oefeningen en werkcolleges), en aan de vakken Atoom- en Molecuulfysica, Experimenteren in de Fysica 2 en servicevakken Fysica.

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Vacature Doctor-assistent

De vakgroep Vastestofwetenschappen zoekt een 100% Doctor-assistent. Onderzoek inzake vacuüm-gebaseerde depositiemethoden voor dunne lagen en karakteriseringstechnieken voor dunne lagen, specifiek voor batterijonderzoek van de onderzoeksgroep COCOON.

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Congratulations Dr. Liao Cao

Liao Cao successfully defended his PhD.

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New department member

We welcome Jana Bosschaerts at S1, a new research and teaching assistant.

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Congratulations Dr. Femi Mathew

Femi Mathew successfully defended her PhD.

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Welcome to our Master thesis students!

Group picture of Master thesis students

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Doctoral school on materials chemistry and physics

The department of Solid State Sciences jointly organizes a doctoral schools specialist course in the form of a series of lectures on the topic of materials in chemistry and physics.

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Congratulations Dr. Juan Peñaranda

Juan Santo Domingo Peñaranda successfully defended his PhD.

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Doctoral school on materials chemistry and physics

The department of Solid State Sciences jointly organizes a doctoral schools specialist course in the form of a series of lectures on the topic of materials in chemistry and physics.

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Congratulations Dr. Jonas Keukelier

Jonas Keukelier successfully defended his PhD.

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Be enlightened

"Could you grab light?" and other facts about light

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