About us
The platform is the gateway to collaboration between Ghent University researchers and educators and ASEAN & South Asia partners in higher education, research, policy and industry. We intend to:
- develop a coherent collaboration approach
- collate information on Ghent University expertise in the region
- create synergy between ongoing activities
- foster new collaborations
ASEAN & South Asia within Ghent University
The ASEAN & South Asia Platform is one of the 6 Ghent University regional platforms which constitute a pillar of Ghent University Internationalisation strategy.
other Regional Platforms: East Asia Platform, Eureast Platform, Africa Platform, CESAM Platform (Central and South America) and North America Platform.
Who we are
Management Board
- Chairperson: Prof. Christine Yung Hung
- Coordinator: Jean Dhont (Ghent University Internationalisation)
- Prof. Guido Van Huylenbroeck
- Faculty representatives:
Faculty | Representative |
Bioscience Engineering | Marie Anne Eurie Forio |
Engineering and Architecture | Mark Saeys |
Law and Criminology | Erwan Lannon |
Arts and Philosophy |
Stef Slembrouck |
Economics and Business Administration | Michael Frömmel |
Medicine and Health Sciences | Barbara Vanderstraeten Frauke Coppieters |
Political and Social Sciences | Jeroen Adam Bert Suykens |
Psychology and Educational Sciences |
Martin Valcke |
Sciences | Johan De Grave Thomas Hermans |
Veterinary Medicine | Hans Nauwynck |
Pharmaceutical Sciences | Marthe De Boevere Ashish Kumar |
- Academic advisor: Patrick Sorgeloos
We aim at offering services to all Ghent University staff members interested in collaborating with ASEAN & South Asia partners. We promote the involvement of external partners, such as:
- HoWest, HOGENT & Artevelde Hogeschool
- City of Ghent, Province of East-Flanders
- Flanders Investment & Trade
Where we are active
- ASEAN = Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam
- SOUTH ASIA = India, Bangladesh, Pakistan