Dutch courses
- Aanvullingen biochemie
- Biochemie
- Biochemische en Functionele Analyse van Levensmiddelen
- Celbiologie
- Cellulaire en Moleculaire Biologie
- Enzymatische en Biochemische Toepassingen
- Gentechnologie en Plantenbiotechnologie
- Moleculaire Identificatietechnieken
- Oriëntatiestage bio-engineering
- Stage A: bio-engineering
- Stage C: bio-engineering
- Toegepaste Biotechnologie
- Vakdidactiek bio-engineering
- Voedingsleer
English courses
- Analytical biochemistry
- Bio-imaging and Image Informatics
- Biotechnology in a Professional and Societal Context
- Gene Regulation and Epigenetics
- Gene Technology
- Gene Technology and Molecular Diagnostics
- Molecular Aspects of Plant-nematode Relationships
- Molecular Toolbox
- Plant Biotechnology
- Plant Biotechnology (GUGC)
- Plants, Pathogens and Pests
- Protein Chemistry
- Quantitative Cell and Tissue Analysis