BioLizard Award for Master thesis

About BioLizard

The concept of an agile data science and bioinformatics consulting company was initially conceived by three trailblazers in the world of bioinformatics: prof. dr. ir. Wim Van Criekinge, professor in computational biology at Ghent University, prof. dr. ir. Gerben Menschaert, visiting professor at Ghent University, and Jan Van den Berghe, entrepreneur and close friend of prof dr. ir. Wim Van Criekinge.

They realised that there are so many unanswered questions in the domain of biology, and genuinely believed that using the right tools such as data science, bioinformatics, biostatistics, machine learning, and AI, many of them can be solved. This led to the creation of BioLizard, a team of experienced bio-engineers and computer science experts highly skilled in bioinformatics.

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Criteria to apply for the award

• You are a student at the faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University;
• You are heavily focused on computational methods to solve a biological problem, by developing/implementing improved computational strategies and/or by combining existing methods in an expert manner;
• You are devising novel approaches;
• You are thinking out of the box;
• Your work is application driven (e.g. applicable in biotech/pharma/diagnostic settings).


1000,00 EUR and become a Lizard for 1 day

Jury members

How to apply?

Send your thesis (pdf) and a short motivation (few lines) to prof. dr. ir. Tim De Meyer before 31 August 2024.