Internship exchange

You want to do an internship at our Faculty?

  • This possibility is limited to students searching for a practical experience which can be recognised as part of their programme at the home university.
  • It consists of a pre-defined set of activities oriented towards solving a practical problem and with the objective of learning to apply specific techniques or analytical methodologies.

Which exchange students?

  • Bachelor students (= min. 120 ECTS obtained before coming to Gent)
  • Master students (= min. 180 ECTS obtained before coming to Gent)
  • PhD students

Can be combined with ...

  • course exchanges:
  1. if the period of stay is min. one semester
  2. if you are a Master or PhD student
  • master thesis exchanges:
  1. if the period of stay is min. one academic year
  2. if two clearly different topics are dealt with

Procedures and regulations


You can obtain an official transcript of records for:

  • 7 ECTS on the condition that you:
      • stay min. 2 months and max. 3 months
      • report the results of the practical training in a document of min. 20 pages
      • defend these results orally at our Faculty in front of a jury
  • 15 ECTS on the condition that you:
      • stay min. 3 months
      • report the results of the practical training in a document of min. 20 pages
      • defend these results orally at our Faculty in front of a jury
  • Your university has an agreement with our Faculty

Before arrival

  • have an agreement on the objectives, activities and time schedule with the academic supervisors of both the sending and receiving institution (prior contact with a potential departmental promoter at the FBE is obligatory)

Internship report

  • This report describes the results of the practical training in a document of min. 20 pages.
  • Language: Dutch, English or French
  • Title: needs to be approved by the Faculty board
  • Deadline: at least two weeks before the date of the oral defense to be handed in at the Faculty Student Administration A1.101
  • Details on the format of the report

Oral defense

The Faculty board needs to approve the composition of the jury.