ISBN stands for "International Standard Book Number". It is possible to receive an ISBN for a doctoral dissertation. An ISBN is not obligatory, but requesting one is encouraged at out Faculty of Bioscience Engineering.
If the doctoral dissertation contains confidential information, you can still request an ISBN. You should indicate in Plato that it is a confidential dissertation and the library will make sure it cannot be consulted by others.

A doctoral student at the faculty of Bioscience Engineering can request an ISBN by filling in this application form

After verification at the student administration, the faculty library of Bioscience Engineering will request for an ISBN.
As soon as the ISBN is known, the faculty library of Bioscience Engineering will communicate the number via e-mail to the doctoral student. This procedure can take about 3 working days.

The doctoral student informs the printing company to insert the ISBN on the back of the title page and at the backside of his publication.