Bilateral agreements with partner universities

Agreements between Ghent University and partner universities in and outside Europe allow you to work or study abroad.

These agreements give the possibility to students of both institutes to obtain an international experience and to academics to establish a strong cooperation.

The partner universities, the financial support and the application procedure are different according the type of agreement.

Bilateral agreements with partners outside Europe

Country Partner institute Expiry date
Australia University of Technology, Sydney Oct 2028
University of Queensland 23/03/2026
Macquarie University 22/01/2027
Brazil Universidade Federal de Pelotas June 2028
Universidade de São Paulo - Instituto de Física de São Carlos 09/11/2022

Université Laval Sept 2028
University of Manitoba 11/05/2021*
University of Saskatchewan Jan 2027
University of Sherbrooke 1/9/2029
Polytechnique Montréal March 2027
Chile Universidad Austral de Chile 07/10/2025

Nanjing Agricultural University 12/02/2025
Southwest University 25/11/2024
Zhejiang University of Science and Technology 06/06/2023*
Zhejiang University of Technology

Oct 2030

Congo Université de Kinshasa 15/02/2022*
Université de Kisangani 15/04/2025
Ecuador Escuela Superior Politecnica Del Litoral March 2027
Universidad de Cuenca 21/12/2027
Ethiopia University of Mekelle 25/08/2022*
Jimma University Sept 2030
India University of Agricultural Sciences Bangalore 28/10/2021*

Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) 21/11/2020*
Universitas Gadjah Mada 24/11/2020*
Bogor Agricultural University 06/01/2021*
Institut Teknologi Bandung 16/12/2020*
Japan Nagasaki University 12/10/2025
Okoyama University 12/10/2025
Kazachstan Auezov South Kazakhstan University 13/12/2026
Malaysia Universiti Malaysia Terengganu 11/08/2025
Mexico Universidad Autónoma de México 29/01/2025
South Africa

University of Pretoria 10/11/2025
Stellenbosch University March 2031
University of the Western Cape 06/05/2024
University of South Africa March 2026
South Korea

Incheon National University 23/06/2025
Yonsei University 01/03/2024
Seoul National University 19/12/2026

George Mason University 21/12/2023*
Kansas State University, Manhattan April 2029
University of Arkansas  May 2025

Can Tho University 01/04/2023*
Dalat University 08/03/2026
Hué University Sept 2026
Nong Lam University Ho Chi Minh City 01/02/2026

*: expired

Bilateral agreements with partners in Europe

Select a country then click SEARCH to view partners institutes in the country.