Diversity and inclusion commission - D&I@FBW


Do you have a special status, a functional limitation or are you a top athlete, student entrepreneur or artist; do you identify yourself within LGBTIQA+, are your roots elsewhere and/or is your mother tongue not Dutch; everyone is welcome.

Ghent University is continuously working on an inclusive learning, working and research environment in which all members of the Ghent University community feel at home and can develop their talents, so that they excel in studies, education, research and services.

The Diversity and Inclusion committee of the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering (D&I@FBW) wants to shape the diversity policy of Ghent University. D&I@FBW aims to help students and staff to break through barriers. It wants to create an inclusive learning, working and research environment based on consultation, participation and widely supported decisions. Together with others, the committee turns these principles into concrete actions in the field of Diversity and Inclusion. When a student or staff member faces specific problems, the committee can help them find the right persons to alleviate or solve the issue


D&I@FBW strives for the well-being of everyone. It wishes to gain insight into and meet the needs of students and staff. D&I@FBW pays special attention to those facing challenges in their work environment or during their studies.
The committee focuses on four pillars that support and complement each other:

  • Well-being – D&I@FBW is committed to the well-being of every student and employee at the faculty. It wants to warmly welcome and connect all newcomers from every region. It has an eye for the work and family situation and can assist in seeking solutions for students and employees who are in need of support.
  • Gender – D&I@FBW wants to create awareness in the field of gender identity so that everyone can and may be themselves.
  • Diversity – D&I@FBW wants to ensure equal opportunities regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or religious, political, cultural and social background.
  • Accessibility – D&I@FBW aims to improve the accessibility of the faculty and at events organized by the faculty for people with a physical impairment. The committee wants to raise awareness among the central administration in order to tackle the shortcomings that make access to the faculty more difficult.


The mission and vision of D&I@FBW are fully aligned with those of Ghent University, laid down in the Diversity Policy and Action Plan 2019-2023.

  • D&I@FBW provides feedback to the central working group on diversity & inclusion of Ghent University and reports to the faculty council.
  • D&I@FBW has a counter function. Both students and staff can come here with questions and/or proposals regarding diversity and inclusion.
  • D&I@FBW is building a network of ambassadors for inclusive groups.
  • Finally, D&I@FBW raises awareness about diversity and inclusion through news channels and regularly organizes lectures and workshops.


e-mail : diversiteit.fbw@ugent.be

Agenda and news

For the FBW-community

Interesting links related to the themes of D&I@FBW

Diversity and Inclusion

Ghent University works on diversity in an active and integral way. D&I@FBW builds on the mission statement in which Ghent University presents itself as a socially engaged and pluralistic university that is open to all students and staff regardless of their philosophical, political, cultural and social background.

Science is diverse, in research questions, domains and methodologies. The scientists, the people behind science, are also very diverse. Scientists who do not fit the stereotype of the old, white, male scientist are consciously or unconsciously disadvantaged. The website aims to inform about systematic inequalities and provides a specific tool to ensure equal opportunities.

  • Be4Diversity - inactive

Be4Diversity is an independent bottom-up initiative founded in 2018 at Ghent University's Faculty of Bioscience Engineering. This external working group delves into matters of diversity and inclusion within the faculty.


In case of disputes with teachers, colleagues or managers, students, PhD students and staff members can submit their reports or complaints to the faculty ombudspersons or the confidential contact.

Ghent University provides an extensive range of study advisors and student psychologists.

Programme counsellors are ready to support students in their study path and progress.

The mentoring program helps students to find their way around the faculty with the help of fellow students. It includes accessible support for processing the subject matter and tips about study planning and exams from an experienced student.


    Everyone at our university has the right to a safe study environment where they are treated with respect. Victims or witnesses of bullying, threats, discrimination, racism, violence or unwanted sexual behaviour are supported by Trustpunt's confidential advisers.

    The university offers various options for balancing work and private life.

    Students with minor and major concerns can visit 'Wellbeing at UGent'. There is information on activities related to studying and well-being with useful tips and work materials. Questions can be asked (anonymously) to fellow students or student psychologists on the discussion forum.


      Inclusive communication is important so that every student, employee or visitor to Ghent University feels addressed to the maximum and in a respectful way. The website makes you fully acquainted with inclusive communication and provides, for example, tips on how to address a wide audience with respect.

      Read all about UGent's Transgender and LGBT policy, which aims to end any form of discrimination and focuses on open communication and awareness-raising.

      Students with a disability are eligible for a special status.


      The Diversity Committee consists of a permanent core of employees (professors, assisting academic staff, administrative staff and technical staff) and students who are interested in the diversity theme. If needed, the team can also contact internal or external experts for support.


      • Pieter Spanoghe


      • Thibaut D'huyvetter

      Department Representatives

      • BW20 - Kim Calders (vervanger Pieter De Frenne)
      • BW21 - Pieter Spanoghe
      • BW22 - Nancy De Saeyer
      • BW23 - /
      • BW24 - Aïsja Snoeck
      • BW25 - Ramon Ganigué
      • BW26 - Willem Waegeman
      • BW27 - Amber Steyaert
      • BW55 - Misha Verdonck

      Confidential contact

      • Lien Bertrem

      Assisting academic staff

      • Arne huyst

      Administrative and technical staff

      • Tim Lacoere (vervanger Wim Hoste)


      • Laura Van Driessche