Master's dissertation evaluation

The administrative promotor and commissioners upload the completed assessment forms into the master's dissertation application no later than two working days before the dissertation defence.
After the defence, the chairman or secretary forwards the summary form to

Evaluation MSc in Bioscience Engineering

The evaluation is conducted on 3 levels:

  • process (30 %) : scientific approach, technical elaboration, commitment, problem approach, adjustment of the research process - promotor
  • master's dissertation report (40 %) : scientific quality, technical quality, design, structure, use of language - 2 reading commissioners
  • oral defence (30%): presentation (content, structure and design) (10 %) and the answers to the questions (20 %) - entire jury

The corresponding evaluation forms can be found via the following links:

Evaluation 'Industrieel ingenieur' programmes

The evaluation is conducted on 3 levels:

  • process (30 %) : scientific approach, technical elaboration, commitment, problem approach, adjustment of the research process - promotor
  • master's dissertation report (40 %) : scientific quality, technical quality, design, structure, use of language - 2 leescommissarissen
  • oral defence (30%): presentation (content, structure and design) (10 %) and the answers to the questions (20 %)

The corresponding evaluation forms can be found via the following links:

Evaluation English master's programmes FBE (not bio-ir)

The evaluation is conducted on 3 levels:

  • process (30 %) : scientific approach, technical elaboration, commitment, problem approach, adjustment of the research process - promotor
  • master's dissertation report (40 %) : scientific quality, technical quality, design, structure, use of language - 2 leescommissarissen
  • oral defence (30%): presentation (content, structure and design) (10 %) and the answers to the questions (20 %)

The corresponding evaluation forms can be found via the following link:

Evaluation FBE consortium programmes

Evaluation Subsequent Master's programme Sustainable Food Packaging

The evaluation is conducted on 3 levels:

  • process (30 %) : scientific approach, technical elaboration, commitment, problem approach, adjustment of the research process - promotor
  • master's dissertation report (40 %) : scientific quality, technical quality, design, structure, use of language - 2 leescommissarissen
  • oral defence (30%): presentation (content, structure and design) (10 %) and the answers to the questions (20 %)

The corresponding evaluation forms can be found via the following link:

Submit the evaluation form

The administrative promotor and commissioners upload the completed assessment forms into the master's dissertation application no later than two working days before the dissertation defence.

Evaluation forms chairman and secretary

1. Master programmes, except programmes mentioned under 3. 

Dutch form chair-secr MASTER

English form chair-secr MASTER

2. Subsequent master's programme IN6SFP English form chair-secr MANAMA
3. IMAQHE, IMETEB, IMRDVC, IMSOGL Own overview form

After the defence, the chairman or secretary forwards the summary form to

Confidential Master's dissertations

The jury members of confidential Master's dissertations must sign a unilateral declaration of confidentiality and deliver it to the promotor of the confidential Master's dissertation on the day of the defense.