Role and responsibility of the promotor in the supervision of the master's dissertation process

The promotor is responsible for:

  • assigning the appropriate tutor to each subject (taking into account time, skills, knowledge and experience);

  • assigning a maximum of 2 tutors to each student and clearly indicate to the student who the first point of contact is for questions/problems;

  • only appointing tutors (see tutor criteria) who have at least 1 year of relevant (research) experience at the start of the Master's dissertation;
  • assigning a maximum of 2 fulltime thesis students to a tutor;
  • passing on all guidelines regarding the master's dissertation supervision ( competencies, supervision criteria, assessment criteria,...) to the tutor;
  • if the tutor is not Dutch-speaking, mentioning this at the selection interview in the case of students from Dutch-speaking programmes
  • having contact with each thesis student at least 3 times per academic year;
  • guaranteeing that in all phases of the Master's dissertation process, the principles of scientific integrity are correctly applied.

--> The promotor bears the ultimate scientific responsibility for the entire Master's dissertation process (supervision, assessment...).

--> The promotor can also be a tutor.