maa 28
The weight of words: how well-intended actions can have big impact
Campus Coupure, Auditorium E3
mei 20
Symposium 'Crop protection'
Campus Coupure, Coupure links 653, 9000 Ghent
jun 2
Symposium 'Renewable Recources and Biorefineries'
Turku City Theatre, Finland, Itäinen Rantakatu 14, Turku, Finland
maa 28
Membrane integrity monitoring for drinking water production using fluorescent tracers, natural viruses and flow cytometry.
Venkataswamy Gowda, Dwani
maa 31
Advanced production and purification technologies for biobased organic acids.
Tönjes, Sinah
apr 2
Towards a decision support tool for understorey biodiversity in European temperate forests under global change
Wen, Bingbin
apr 2
Closing the loop in plastic waste management: Innovations in separating problematic substances.
Van Melkebeke, Michiel