Call for abstracts

Call for abstracts

Those who wish to present a paper at the Symposium are invited to submit an abstract, NO LATER THAN 31 JANUARY 2024, indicating the name of the session and the way in which they would like to present the paper: oral presentation or poster presentation (see instructions for oral and poster presentation below).

Abstracts will be evaluated for acceptance by the Organizing Committee. Electronic on-line submission of abstracts is required (see below). By 21 March 2024 the presenting author will be notified whether the abstract has been accepted, and if so, of the proposed type of presentation (oral or poster).

All accepted abstracts will be made available in digital format for registered participants a few days before the Symposium.

Instructions for abstracts

Abstracts must be in English. The abstract should be about 400 words and should consist of:

  • title of the paper, not exceeding 75 characters;
  • name and address of all authors, the presenting author should be the person who submits the abstract;
  • name of the session;
  • overview of the objectives, methods used, results and conclusions.

Note that products mentioned in abstracts must be scientifically defined.

    Online submission of abstracts

    The deadline for submission of abstracts has passed.

    Instructions for oral presentation

    Each oral presentation is strictly limited to 15 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of discussion. Oral presentations must be in English. All sections are equipped with an LCD projector. The session secretary is responsible for the projection. Hand over your powerpoint presentation to him/her during the break before the start of the session.

    Instructions for poster presentation

    Poster presentations should be in English. The maximum poster size is 90 cm wide and 120 cm high, and is preferably in A0 format (84.1 cm x 116.9 cm). The poster has to be in PORTRAIT format (not landscape). Title, authors' names and affiliation should be included at the top of the poster.

    The poster should consist of objectives, methods, results and discussion. It should be clear, simple and self explanatory: although time will be reserved for poster viewing and discussion, posters must be understandable in the absence of the author. All figures and tables must have headings, labeled axes and legends. Lettering should be legible from a distance of 1 m.

    Exhibitors are responsible for mounting posters and removing them at the end of the day. Materials for poster mounting will be provided by the poster secretary.

    Poster awards

    During the reception at the end of the day three awards will be granted to the best scientific poster presentations (based on scientific and visual quality).