Prof. Els Goetghebeur

Intro Prof. Els Goetghebeur


Professor Els Goetghebeur (WE02) chairs the UGent expert Center Data Analysis and Statistical Science (DASS) and leads the consulting unit StatGent at Ghent University. She held positions at prestigious universities including the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and The Harvard School of Public Health, taught at Stanford and Maastricht University and received the Peter Armitage award from the Medical Research Council in Cambridge, UK. She is steering group member of STRATOS and cofounded FLAMES and FIRE.
Her research focuses on developing and applying statistical methods to draw evidence on important problems primarily in public health and medicine. This involves design, causal inference, missing data and time to event analysis using statistical methods and machine learning techniques. She is an active expert for the European Medicines Agency and recently worked with KCE (RIZIV) on predicting the budget impact of drug expenditure for Belgium, with IMI-SISAQOL on guidelines for patient reported outcomes in oncology trials, with VIKZ on quality of care.

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