Application Procedure

MPSE application procedure

Student who wish to apply for the MPSE-programme must follow the application procedure as described below.

Step 1: Application form

Fill in the MPSE-application form completely.

Step 2: Paper submission of application documents

All the application documents must be send (by regular mail; no email documents will be accepted) to the MPSE-secretariat. The application documents consist out of the following required documents:

  1. MPSE-application form
  2. a copy of passport or other official identity proof
  3. Two recommendation letters, using the standard form under sealed envelop.
  4. Legalised copies of diplomas and translation in English by a sworn translator.
  5. Legalised copies of diploma supplements, stating the courses and the scores obtained per course and a translation in English. (These are also known as the transcript of records.)
  6. Copies of language test scores (TOEFL or IELTS) or a certificate stating that the medium of instruction in your last university was English.
  7. a Curriculum Vitae (C.V.)
  8. Contact details (name, telephone, email, address) of a professor who is well acquainted with the study programme that was taken by the applicant.
  9. Contact details (name, telephone, email, address) of the persons who have been requested to provide recommendation letters. This may include the person meant under 8.


Documents must be send to the MPSE-Secretariat

MPSE-Secretariat, c/o Mr. Bert Coryn, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Ghent, Belgium

More information

For more information regarding the master programme or the application procedure, please contact:

  • At Ghent University: Mr. Bert Coryn at, or by telephone at +32 9 264 98 28
  • At Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Ms. Majorie Jammaers at, or by telephone at +32 2 629 34 53

Read more about the programme, minimal admission requirements, course content and the mobility track.