Blue Accelerator Project
Ghent University expands further its research and valorization activities related to the Ostend Campus within the framework of the BLUE ACCELERATOR project, whereby testing facilities are realized on/near/off–shore with the aim of creating a Living Lab, based in Ostend, where testing is possible under real sea conditions. In the BLUE ACCELERATOR project a unique maritime test platform (500 m outside the port) has been built to perform tests in the context of the development of Blue Energy projects (offshore wind energy, wave and tidal energy) and the broader Blue Economy.
The Blue Accelerator project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), with co-financing by the Flemish government (Hermes Fund). The project is coordinated by the Provincial Development Agency (POM) West Flanders, with the project partners Ghent University, VLIZ, Vives, VITO and TUA West. The maritime test platform has been developed by Nemos GmbH and is adopted by POM. More detailed information is available on the project page
The following measurements, investigations and tests will be possibly carried out on the platform (non-exhaustive list): wave energy conversion, corrosion and abrasion investigation, cable manipulations, research on resistive resistance, material research, meteorological measuring mast, research into underwater substrates, research into stratification, drone platform, ROV and kite technology, ... The test setups are carried out both in the context of research by knowledge institutions and commercial companies. For more information, please contact Prof. Peter Troch.
Blue Accelerator testplatform on You Tube
The BLUE ACCELERATOR project is supported by:
Partners of the BLUE ACCELERATOR project: