Ships and Marine Technology

The Ships and Marine Technology Division at Ghent University has a threefold mission:

  • Provide an academic education regarding the design, construction, propulsion, functioning and maintaining of marine structures as ships and offshore constructions;
  • Perform fundamental and applied scientific research in the maritime field, especially regarding the hydrodynamics of vessels and other floating constructions;
  • Carry out scientific studies for and in collaboration with enterprises and public services in the maritime field.

With these activities the Division wants to support the (Belgian) maritime industry by consolidating, expanding and distributing relevant technical and scientific knowledge.


Contact information

Ships and Marine Technology

Technologiepark 904
B-9052 Gent
> Show on map

phone: +32 (0)9 264 55 59
fax: +32 (0)9 264 58 43

Ghent University, Department of Civil Engineering

Logo of the Ships and Marine Technology division