
Aim of design.for.empowerment

The design for empowerment research programme comprises three central objectives: (1) inclusive design, (2) design for futures & (3) design for impact. In the
framework of inclusive design, is shaping emerging technologies for 'human augmentation' in a far-reaching way, focusing on 'toolkits for user innovation' ('design by humans'), 'collaborative design' (transdisciplinary, in co-creation) & 'advanced human-product interactions'. In other words, design for inclusiveness, with technology as a tool. In the design for futures domain, Design.Nexus explores how 'future thinking' and design can mutually reinforce each other We hereby explore how design practices can contribute to the understanding and shaping of future contexts (and vice versa), developing innovative methodologies to meet the needs of a dynamic world. Finally, with regard to design for impact, explores how design interventions can contribute to complex societal objectives and how we can evaluate and understand value creation (e.g. using living lab research). It is especially in this track that there is close collaboration with IMEC/MICT.

    Contact Prof. dr. Bas Baccarne for questions on the pillar .empowerment