What we do
We offer scientific insights and practical support in the field of product development, specifically from our pillars around sustainability, industry and education. Besides cooperation with our research labs, there are several other forms of cooperation possible as shown in the overview below.
Projectspecific services
Projects with students
The research group is strongly linked to the study program Industrial Engineering at the UGent Campus in Kortrijk. There are various opportunities for companies to work together with students.
Projects with researchers
Many different forms of cooperation are possible in which you as a company can cooperate with our researchers. This can be done through one-on-one projects in which we can offer services (transfer of knowledge) or act as a partner (building new knowledge) in which you can possibly apply for funding (depending on the nature and size of the project).
Collective projects
We always have collective research projects ongoing in which certain collaborations may also be possible.
Click here for more information on our project-based services and possible forms of cooperation
Workshops and Lectures
Workshop "Co-creating Circular Values"
In this workshop, in cooperation with Design Regio Kortrijk, we explain the most important concepts of sustainable and circular design and together with companies we will do some exercises within their own company context.
Customized workshop
We can also develop a workshop tailored to your company's needs within the pillars of sustainability, industry and education.
Very often, we also give lectures on product development from our research pillars on education, sustainability and industry.
Click here for more information on our workshops and lectures.
Research labs
Learning Lab
In our Learning Lab, we exchange knowledge on teaching and learning methods and offer training to industry and academic partners by implementing design-based methodologies, such as the Design Thinking methodology and game-based learning.
The Bio-Makerspace is a new creative space where students and companies learn to apply the basic principle of Design for a Circular Economy by making prototypes and experimenting with DIY, bio-based and circular materials.
Overview and additional information on these labs.