Vlaio Living Lab Hennep+
General Information
- Duration: 01-02-2023 - 31-12-2025
- Research disciplines: Engineering and Technology / Biomaterials / Sustainable development
- Funding: Flemish Agency for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (VLAIO)
- Keywords: Circular economy, bio-based materials, Hemp, Construction and manufacturing industry
- Promotor: Prof. Jan Detand
Project description
Bio-based materials such as industrial hemp offer a huge opportunity for the construction and manufacturing industries that need to switch to a more circular industry. This requires not only a transformation to new technologies, materials or processing methods, but especially a change in mindset towards chain thinking, circular design, and circular business models.
Goals of the project
- Get a good picture of the current value chain around hemp in Flanders, including the challenges and opportunities, and the network of interested actors.
- Realising a mindset shift around the hemp value chain.
- Seek opportunities and added value at product level through the development of prototypes for the construction and manufacturing industries, in order to demonstrate the potential of the hemp value chain in Flanders.
for more information, mail to design.nexus@ugent.be