Ing. Louise Dumon
Louise Dumon is a PhD researcher at Ghent University (, exploring the theme of “co-creating sustainable values with open-ended design.” Her work focuses on ecological sustainability, particularly “design for circularity.” This involves studying how adjustments in products, their contexts, and user behavior influence product lifespan and usage intensity, as well as how companies can proactively adapt their products and business models (e.g., through open-ended design) to these dynamics.
Prior to starting her PhD, she contributed to several research projects centered on sustainability and circularity, including Prototyping Circular, Design for Assembly Meaning, and Learning Network Biobouwers. She earned her master’s degree in Industrial Engineering (Industrial Design) from Ghent University in 2015, followed by a teacher training program (CVO Kisp) and a masterclass in innovation and management (Howest).
Before joining Ghent University, Louise gained professional experience as an R&D engineer at Aqtor, an educational designer at FablabFactory, and as a teacher at VIBSO/VTI Waregem.
- circular design education
- Bio-based and circular building technology
- 3D-printing for circularity (Crafth)
Short CV
- Teacher (2019-2020)
- Educational designer Fablab Factory (2018- 2019)
- Industrial designer, Aqtor (2015-2017)
- Ind. Ing. Ind. Ontwerpen (2011-2015)