
The research group is part of the Department of Materials, Textiles and Chemical Engineering (MaTCh) and has a large amount of experimental and characterization facilities at its disposal for both research and service purposes. The research and provided services focus on three topics:

  • the study of the interaction of materials with hydrogen
  • the study of degradation of materials by interaction with their environment
  • the study of high-temperature metallurgical processes from both a modelling and experimental approach


The following services can be provided

  • Material characterization and failure analysis: microscopic analysis, chemical analysis, evaluation of the mechanical properties, etc.
  • Corrosion characterization: salt spray testing, electrochemical testing, corrosion product characterization, in-situ mechanical testing, etc.
  • Hydrogen characterization: hydrogen uptake determination, hydrogen diffusivity analysis, hydrogen trapping analysis, in-situ hydrogen mechanical testing, etc.
  • Evaluation of the mechanical properties of materials by tensile and bending tests


The Sustainable Materials Science group possesses a 'SME e-wallet' (Kmo-portefeuille) profile, which allows entrepreneurs to get financial aid when contracting with us. More information.


Please reach out to us via the following e-mail address: or these phone numbers: +32 9 331 04 18 or +32 9 331 04 52.