Dwight Waeye

Dwight Waeye

Driven by a desire to understand which control elements influence individuals' (dis)honest reporting behavior.
  • Doctoral advisory committee: Prof. dr. Sophie Maussen (Ghent University, main supervisor), Prof. dr. Sophie Hoozée (Ghent University, co-supervisor), Prof. dr. Ignace De Beelde (Ghent University, 2021-2022), Prof. dr. Berend Van der Kolk (Free University Amsterdam), Prof. dr. Katlijn Haesebrouck (Maastricht University)
  • Dwight Waeye obtained a MSc. in Business Economics – main subject Accountancy at Ghent University (June 2021). He joined the department of Accounting, Corporate Finance and Taxation of Ghent University in September 2021. In general, he is interested in why people misreport financial information and how others respond to observed wrongdoing. He pursues a PhD in Business Economics with a focus on employee whistleblowing behavior, internal audit and management control. He also provides a limited amount of teaching assistance.

Curriculum Vitae

CV Dwight Waeye

Contact information 

Email-embleem Dwight.Waeye@UGent.be

LinkedIn_Embleem_2 Dwight Waeye
