


Organizational structure

Head of department: Glenn Rayp

Research coordinator: Gerdie Everaert

Education coordinator: Bruno Merlevede

Bezoek ons

Visiting addresses 

Sint-Pietersplein 5

Building Hoveniersberg
1st Floor

tel.: +32 9 264 35 12 / 95 09


Opening hours secretariat:
9u - 12:30u
13:30 - 17u


Post address

Ghent University
Department of Economics
Sint-Pietersplein 5 
9000 Ghent

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Public transportation

Our department is easy to access by public transport!

    • Take the train to Gent-Sint-Pieters
    • From the station, you can take tram 55 (direction Zelzate busstation). Get off at the Gent Heuvelpoort stop.
    • If necessary ask the driver to inform you about the stop.

By car

If you are coming from Antwerp or Kortrijk via the E17:

  • follow the direction “Gent”, and then “Gent Centrum” (B401)
  • Take exit 1-Ledeberg direction Ledeberg/R40/Stadsring
  • Follow the P-route to car park P10, Sint-Pietersplein (low emission zone)

If you are coming from Ostend or Brussels via the E40:

  • follow the direction “Gent Antwerpen” (E17)
  • Then “Gent”, and then “Gent Centrum” (B401)
  • Take exit 1-Ledeberg direction Ledeberg/R40/Stadsring
  • Follow the P-route to car park P10, Sint-Pietersplein (low emission zone)