Organizational structure
Head of department: Glenn Rayp
Research coordinator: Gerdie Everaert
Education coordinator: Bruno Merlevede
Visiting addresses
Sint-Pietersplein 5
Building Hoveniersberg
1st Floor
tel.: +32 9 264 35 12 / 95 09
Opening hours secretariat:
9u - 12:30u
13:30 - 17u
Post address
Ghent University
Department of Economics
Sint-Pietersplein 5
9000 Ghent
Public transportation
Our department is easy to access by public transport!
- Take the train to Gent-Sint-Pieters
- From the station, you can take tram 55 (direction Zelzate busstation). Get off at the Gent Heuvelpoort stop. If necessary ask the driver to inform you about the stop.
By car
If you are coming from Antwerp or Kortrijk via the E17:
- follow the direction “Gent”, and then “Gent Centrum” (B401)
- Take exit 1-Ledeberg direction Ledeberg/R40/Stadsring
- Follow the P-route to car park P10, Sint-Pietersplein (low emission zone)
If you are coming from Ostend or Brussels via the E40:
- follow the direction “Gent Antwerpen” (E17)
- Then “Gent”, and then “Gent Centrum” (B401)
- Take exit 1-Ledeberg direction Ledeberg/R40/Stadsring
- Follow the P-route to car park P10, Sint-Pietersplein (low emission zone)